Booktubeathon 2015 - Reading Challenge

Hello, everyone! I'm back, but I have to make this quick. I'm still in the midst of moving and shaking, but I wanted to share a video that explains the reading challenge known as BookTube-a-thon! Down below is a quick explanation of the event and the challenges that are happening. I'm not sure if I'll be joining in on the fun yet, but as soon as I know, you'll know! Let's get onto the videos!

That's all for this post! I'm sorry it's so short, but I promise to be back soon with new content!  Subscribe to the blog by adding your email address to the Subscribe Box down below or off to the right. Add me to your circles by clicking the Google+ Button off to the right. Follow me on twitter @KK_Donna_Blog for up to date information on the blog and ridiculousness about my life. Follow the tumblr dedicated to the blog, which you can find at this link. Read on, lovelies! I'll see y'all next post!


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