How to be a Heroine - Bella Swan

Hello, everyone! I'm back, and I'm here to do another edition of How to be a Heroine! While I will still be continuing the Katniss edition featuring her fabulous archery skills, I figure I would star another heroine that hasn't got a lot of love. In case you haven't guessed, I'm talking about Bella Swan from the Twilight Series. I've always appreciated the way that she takes care of people, even if it doesn't her role. She's the child of Renee and Charlie, but she finds a way to take care of them, including making a great deal of their meals. So today, I'm going to try my hand in the culinary arts and share the results here! Let's get started!
About a week ago, I found a really cool website that makes dishes inspired by books! It's called Allison's Wonderland Recipes (you can find it here), and I'm really excited to try a lot of the different dishes that are featured on the site. I decided that the recipe that I would try first is Peeta Mellark's cheese buns, which you can find here. It's inspired by Katniss's favorite pastry that Peeta makes in The Hunger Games series, and it involves cheese, which I love.
Here's all of the ingredients that I used.
I did use lactose-free milk, and I'm not sure if that made a difference or not, but I thought that I would specify. Other than that I used the same ingredients and measurements supplied by the website. However, I wasn't sure how much salt I should add to the butter mixture because the website says "1/2" but not of what. I just added enough where I felt like it was in a good place.
Here's what my mixture looked like.
Here's the mixture formed into little balls for the "buns."
At this point, I was a little concerned that I didn't have a baking tray big enough to spread them out further than I did, but I was overall happy with the results.
Here's my results!
The only two things that I would change would be the amount of sugar and cheese I added to the mix. I felt like the end result was much sweeter than I expected to be, and I was missing the cheesy element to the biscuit. I will probably add less sugar and more cheese for my next attempt, but as an after dinner biscuit, these are pretty good!
Overall, I was very surprised by the results. I've never been an expert in the kitchen, and the amount of fires I have set to microwaves and ovens made me believe it was something I just wasn't cut out for. This has changed my mind a bit. I'm excited to try new recipes and share them with my family, especially now that the holidays are rolling around.
Well, that's it for this post! I hope you've enjoyed this segment of How to be a Heroine, and I hope you check out Allison's Wonderland Recipes! Comment down below with other sites that are inspired by books. Subscribe to the blog by adding your email address to the Subscribe Box down below or off to the right. Add me to your circles by clicking the Google+ Button on you right. Follow me on twitter @KK_Donna_Blog for up to date information on the blog and ridiculousness about my life. Follow the tumblr dedicated to the blog which you can find at this link. Read on, lovelies! I'll see y'all next post!
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