Winter by Marissa Meyer - Book Review!

Hello, everyone! I'm back, and I'm here to review the conclusion to the Lunar Chronicles series, Winter by Marissa Meyer. This novel continues with Cinder's plot to start a rebellion on Luna. She's going to start an uprising against Levana by revealing to the Lunar citizens that she is the rightful queen and leading an army to Levana's front door. Hopefully Cinder and the rest of her companions won't die in the process. But enough about that, let's get onto the review! 

In one of my classes I took in college, my teacher would begin a discussion on the book we were reading by asking, "Did this book leave you feeling satisfied." When it comes to Winter, I would say, "Yes, yes it did!" I was so happy with how everything turned out, all of the twists and turns, and ultimately the way the book left me feeling. Granted, if you loved the first three books, you're going to love this one. No worries about that. 

I love the diversity in the cast of characters.  They are so different in their appearance, their goals, and their backgrounds, and it makes for a well-rounded group of characters. I looked forward to seeing each different person because each of them brought something special and different to the reading experience. And they're not all perfect either. They each have flaws the make them human, but they are all still inherently good. 

One aspect of the story that I felt was a little hurried was the Snow White story line. I thought that the other stories in the series played special attention to the titled character, and because of that their fairy tale stories were more prominent in their particular novel. In this book, it felt like I didn't get to see enough of Winter, and that may be because Winter, the novel, is larger than the other novels in the series. So by comparison, Winter, the character, may have the same amount of "screen time" as the other characters but the extra material made it feel like less. 

I really enjoyed the ending of the book. While it wasn't a traditional epilogue, it answered enough of my questions to keep me satisfied, but it also allowed the reader to imagine all of the little details that come after "happily ever after." It set up all of the characters for a new adventure without going too far into the future. Now I can create my own little adventures for them as they continue on their journeys. 

With everything said and done, I'm giving this book five sour apples out of five. It's a great conclusion to a great series, a definite must-read for any Young Adult genre fan. 

That's it for this review! Comment down below with series that ended with a bang! Subscribe to the blog by adding your email address to the Subscribe Box down below or off to the right. Add me to your circles by clicking the Google+ Button on you right. Follow me on twitter @KK_Donna_Blog for up to date information on the blog and ridiculousness about my life. Follow the tumblr dedicated to the blog which you can find at this link. Read on, lovelies! I'll see y'all next post!


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