Shadowhunters Episode 2: "The Descent Into Hell Isn't Easy" - Review!

Hello, everyone! I'm back, and I'm here to review the second episode of the Shadowhunters television series, "The Descent Into Hell Isn't Easy." This episode picks up where the last episode left off with Clary's mother being kidnapped and her finding out about the demon word. Now, Clary and the gang have to gather more information in order to figure out what happened to Clary's mother and how to stop Valentine. But let's get onto the review!

So we're getting some more backstory in this episode with the focus on the Circle and it's former members. I'm just hoping that they'll get through this part quick enough so that we can get to some of the more exciting parts. 

I cannot get over how perfect Simon is. His interactions with Jace and Izzy are some of my favorites out of the whole show so far. He's acting more of the fish out of water than Clary is, which is saying something considering most of the action is revolving around her and her mother. 

I appreciate the reoccurring minor characters, even though they don't seem to last very long. I think that they're tying into the overall story well, especially since the story is getting thirteen hours of content instead of two. Dot, for example, plays a bigger role in the show than she did in the books, and she makes a bigger impact because of that. 

Now, we do get a "theme song" if you want to call it that. It's really one lyric of a song with a shot of the logo we've seen in the several of the commercials. I would have preferred something more like the theme to Sleepy Hollow. While that show has a lot of flaws (don't even get me started on season two), the opening theme is pretty fantastic. I just wish they pushed the envelope for Shadowhunters. 

I'm liking all of the deception and missteps that are happening in the show. People who haven't read the books question who to trust and who not to trust, and those who are fans of the books can look forward to some new twists and turns the writers have created. 

I'm still loving Izzy! She's still like the Izzy from the books, without someone the anger she had about *ahem* certain situations. She also still can't cook, which is a lovely tidbit to throw in for the fans of the book, but has throws in her Latina flare every now and again. She calls Simon "hombre" at one point, and I had to squeal. She's just so sassy, and I love her!

There seem to be a lot of unnecessary hand motions when people are talking. By people I mean Jace and Alec. It just looks really odd and not natural. I'm hoping that they'll get out of that further along, but I'll guess we'll see. 

That. One. Dumbledore. Quote. 

We also learn a lot about Jace's backstory without a lot of buildup, which was a little let down. But I guess they needed it for the dramatic reveal at the end of the episode. 

I'm wondering if Simon will be featured less in the next episode because of the kidnapping or if we're going to see more of the vampire lair. Either way, we'll find out next week!

That's it for this post! Comment down below with your own thoughts for the episode! Subscribe to the blog by adding your email address to the Subscribe Box down below or off to the right. Add me to your circles by clicking the Google+ Button on you right. Follow me on twitter @KK_Donna_Blog for up to date information on the blog and ridiculousness about my life. Follow the tumblr dedicated to the blog which you can find at this link. Read on, lovelies! I'll see y'all next post!


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