Shadowhunters Episode 1 - The Mortal Cup: Review!

Hello, everyone! I'm back, and I'm here to review the first episode of the new Shadowhunters series based on the beloved Mortal Instruments book series by Cassandra Clare. I'm going to provide my overall thoughts on the episode, what I did and didn't like, and what I expect from the rest of the series. With that in mind, this is definitely not going to be spoiler-free. There will be an incredible amount of spoilers. So if you don't want to know what's happening, don't read! Now, let's get onto the review!

Overall, I liked the episode. There were a few things here and there that "irked" me, but I felt like it was a good beginning to a promising series. We've got some good character introduction, and I think that those who haven't read the books, can still get the full picture. I even like the changes that were made, for the most part. But let's take a step by step look at the show.

First, I have to say that I love the music choices. The one where the shadowhunters are hunting the demon to pandemonium is fantastic!

I will say that I was a little bummed that we didn't get a theme song. Sometimes the pilot episode won't contain the theme song, so I'm hoping to see one in the second episode. Fingers crossed!

I really don't like all of this jumping back and forth. I don't think it adds anything to the story. It just makes it more difficult to follow. 

Simon is hilarious! He's so perfect that it blows my mind! He's got a twitter!

I also appreciate the little biscotti tidbit. Great foreshadowing *wink wink.*

I like that Luke is a police officer. It adds a bit of drama, and it has him closer to the action.

Not sure why Jocelyn would give Clary the stele before she starting seeing stuff. Kind of goes against her wanting Clary out of her world.

Some of the dialogue is a bit cheesy and not natural. An example is when the captain tells Luke to marry Jocelyn. Gave me goosebumps, in a bad way. 

Another problem I'm having is them telling us things that are happening as opposed to letting us figure it out. Like when Jocelyn tells Magnus to take Clary's memories. We could've figured that part out. Or how the demon says that the mundane blood is for the Circle's boss. Clearly. Or when Jocelyn buns down Clary's room and "says" "I won't let them find you." The voiceover just seemed unnecessary. 

The introduction of the shadowhunter trio, I thought, was really great. You have the leader, the cautious one, and the sassy one. But it also seems that Izzy is also the researcher, which makes me so happy. There are also more shadowhunters, which can bring a lot of possibilities to the show. 

"Your fake ID sucks." - Gold

I don't understand the point of Izzy's wig. She immediately takes it off when she starts distracting the demons. So why bother bringing it at all?

Some of the fighting looks really well done, but sometimes you can tell that they're not actually hitting each other. Like you can clearly tell that Izzy didn't hit one of the demons, but he goes down anyway. I could also tell that Jocelyn had a stunt double for the fight scene. 

The Circle has some really nice cars on hand.

I LOVE Valentine. Not the actual character, because that would be weird, but the guy who's playing Valentine is fantastic.

I'm also happy they went that graphic with the Circle member's death. I was scared that they were going to make this show too PG and not enough 13. But that was downright gruesome.

Clary's lack of reaction seems REALLY unusual. There's a lot going on, and she just seems to be little "bleh."

Find My Friend = how to be a stalker and not a friend

I love how Simon goes straight to meth problem. It's hilarious. 

The end fight scene and showing Simon the truth, seemed a bit rush. To be fair, the whole episode seemed a bit rushed, but the first episode has to set up a lot of lore with many different characters. That means a lot of information needs to be told, but sometimes storytelling loses some of its magic because of it. But I'm happy with the possibilities that the first episode has provided, and I can't wait to watch the rest!

That's it for this post! Comment down below with some of your thoughts about the show! Subscribe to the blog by adding your email address to the Subscribe Box down below or off to the right. Add me to your circles by clicking the Google+ Button on you right. Follow me on twitter @KK_Donna_Blog for up to date information on the blog and ridiculousness about my life. Follow the tumblr dedicated to the blog which you can find at this link. Read on, lovelies! I'll see y'all next post!


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