January To Be Read - List!

Hello, everyone! I'm back with a late post! It's late in two ways. One, I usually do my TBR lists earlier in the month. Two, this post was meant to got out on Monday, but I've been so busy over the weekend that it didn't happen. But I'm here and I'm going to tell you want I'm going to try to read for this month! Considering it is so late in the month, this list is going to be kind of short. But any amount of books is always appreciated! So let's get onto the list!

The first book is Winter by Marissa Meyer. I'm currently in the middle of this book, and I'm hoping to finish it up before the month ends. I know its going to be bittersweet because as much as I want to know the ending, I'm going to be incredibly sad when it's time to say goodbye to some of my favorite characters. 

The second book is Carry On by Rainbow Rowell. There has been so many good things said by several BookTubers whose opinions I trust. I've been wanting to read it since I heard the positive review from Kat O'Keeffe, and I'm hoping that I'll get to read it sometime this month.

My third book is the book of the month for the Booksplosion book club. It's called Passenger by Alexandra Bracken. The BookTubers who've read it so far have loved it, and I can't wait to fall in love with it too. 

The last book I want to read for the month is My Life on the Road by Gloria Steinem. I got interested in this book thanks to Emma Watson and her new feminist book club on Good Reads called Our Shared Shelf. I figured if Emma Watson is starting a book club, I definitely want to be a part of it. 

Well, that's it for this TBR list! Again, I'm thinking I'm not going to finish the list this month, but I'm hoping for the best! Comment down below with some books that you would like to read this month! Subscribe to the blog by adding your email address to the Subscribe Box down below or off to the right. Add me to your circles by clicking the Google+ Button on you right. Follow me on twitter @KK_Donna_Blog for up to date information on the blog and ridiculousness about my life. Follow the tumblr dedicated to the blog which you can find at this link. Read on, lovelies! I'll see y'all next post!


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