Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo - Book Review!

Hello, everyone! I'm back, and I'm here to review Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo, the first book of its series and our Booksplosion book of the month! If you want to check out the BookTalk for this novel, you can find it here. This book takes place in the same world as the Grisha series, but don't worry! You don't have to read that series in order to read this series. Basically, six unlikely comrades come together to pull of a heist that is considered impossible. But is it? Well, I won't tell you. But let's get onto the review!

Let me just say that I have not been this emotionally invested in a book since The Queen of the Tearling, and I have to say that I love this book. I was crying, screaming, pacing, and throwing things (mostly the book) whenever things got intense, and that happened a lot. This book was unapologetic in its frankness, and that is so refreshing to see. It didn't stray away from any topic, and it sent me on a roller coaster of emotions. I. CAN'T. EVEN.

I want to talk about the squad. This group of misfits start out to be the most unlikely group of "friends" that I can imagine. You've got the leader Kaz, who is ruthless but has such an incredible backstory that by the end of the book, I was rooting for him. Then there's Inej who is basically a self-made ninja. We have a sharpshooter with a gambling problem, Jesper. Then our other lady badass is Nina, who can kill you without even touching you. Matthias is basically the muscle of group, but he is also the most reluctant for serious reasons. Lastly, there's Wylan who I consider to be an outcast among outcasts. They are all just so different and interesting, and we get to see how each one develops over the course of the novel, which is crazy because there is six of them. You want each of them to win, and that's not always possible. But you still feel connected to each one of them, and I really just want to be a part of their squad. Please? Can anyone make that happen?

I will also say that this novel pulls off the "heist" aspect very well. By that I mean that while you may be expecting one thing, something else entirely happens. It's like a very big con. You expect the heist to go off in a way that the squad looks like they are going to win, but then a situation arises that looks to be the end of our sort-of heroes. But come to find out that it was all a part of some elaborate plan that helps our characters toward their main goal. It's mind boggling and fun, and if you like stories like that then you'll enjoy this book. But remember that it is a bit darker. By "a bit" I mean "a lot."

Also, the amount of sass in this book makes me so happy. Sass and shipping. There are so many ships in this book, and I'm not talking nautical. They way that these characters fit together and act with each other is amazing and somewhat tragic. And when they get sassy, I want to giggle and cry at the same time.

So there's magic and duels and explosions and sass and heists and con artists and back stories and interesting characters! There's really nothing bad I can say about it. I mean, some of the terms are a little difficult to understand in the beginning, but I appreciate that the author didn't treat me like a baby and lay everything out for me. I got to learn as the story moved forward, and it made each new revelation even more exciting!

With everything said and done, I'm giving this book five turnips out of five. Really, if you think you would like White Collar with a sprinkle of gouging out eyeballs, you'll really enjoy this novel.

Also, feel free to comment down below if you get the turnip reference. ;)

Well, that's it for this review! Comment down below with some of your favorite squads from books! Subscribe to the blog by adding your email address to the Subscribe Box down below or off to the right. Add me to your circles by clicking the Google+ Button on you right. Follow me on twitter @KK_Donna_Blog for up to date information on the blog and ridiculousness about my life. Follow the tumblr dedicated to the blog which you can find at this link. Read on, lovelies! I'll see y'all next post!


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