Shades of Doon by Carey Corp and Lorie Langdon - Book Review!

Hello, everyone! I'm back, and I'm here to review Shades of Doon by Carey Corp and Lorie Langdon. It is the third book of the Doon series, and it continues the story of Veronica and Mackeena who have made it back to Doon, but don't seem to be able to stay there. Something is trying to eject them from Doon, and they are succeeding. But enough about that, let's get onto the review!

Again, two points of view that switch every chapter is annoying. We get it again in this book, and at some points, I rather have a point of view back in Doon. But that's all I'm going to say about it.

I also had a problem with them spending so much time in our dimension. I like Doon. I like the possibilities that Doon can provide, which is why I get sad when we have to go back to the real world. I have to admit that I did appreciate it when we did get a little character development while we were there, but I found some of the scenes to be a bit superfluous. There was a bit too much candy and not enough substance. Not that it wasn't delicious, I just wanted a bit more dinner if you know what I'm saying.

I also felt like there was a lot of action that happened off-stage. People would talk about things that had happened, but since Veronica and Mackeena weren't there, we don't actually get to see it. We do get to see some of the action sequences, but they seemed to happen far apart from each other.

However, there were aspects that I loved about the book. Like I said before, the character development that happens in the novel is really beautiful. We see the differences between Mackeena who feels like she doesn't belong in Doon and Veronica who feels like she doesn't belong in the real world. We see them make decisions and conclusions that are heart-breaking but encouraging at the same time.

There are also really funny parts that I didn't expect. It mostly comes from the two princes, who also get some "screen time" in the book. You can definitely see how they are Scottish, full of emotion and doing everything is excess. I don't say that as a bad thing (especially if you are Scottish, I mean no offense). They made me tear up a couple of times, and their undying faith in their Protector is something that I don't get to read in many YA novels. Their faith versus the girls' doubt provides an interesting conflict in the story, which I enjoyed immensely.

So even though I felt like there were some problems with the novel, at the end of the day (quite literally) I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning finishing it, and I'm quite excited for the next book. With that in mind, I'm giving this book four Royals baseball caps out of five!

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