Life and Death: Twilight Reimagined by Stephenie Meyer - Book Review

Hello, everyone! I'm back, and I'm here to review Life and Death: Twilight Reimagined by Stephenie Meyer! Just in case you didn't know, this is still the story of Bella and Edward except now they're Beau and Edythe. That's right! All of the characters from the original Twilight story are genderswapped except Charlie and Renee. But was it a stroke of genius or a marketing ploy? Well, let's find out in the review!

Let me just say that all of the new names are ridiculous. I don't know if it's because I'm expecting one thing and getting another and that is what is making me anxious or they're actually that weird... I'm going with actually that weird. You can definitely tell who they were before the name change, but it's also definitely very strange.

I love how the characters acted the same despite the fact that their genders were swapped. Emmett-now-Eleanor was still the strongest of the coven. Alice-now-Archie was still pushy and exuberant, and so on and so on. There were a few details here and there that changed, but overall the personalities remained the same.

It was interesting to see some of the dynamic changes that were made. Suddenly you have women as the leaders of the covens, while the men played a more secondary role. You also had Jacob-now-Jules who works on her car on the weekend. Mike-now-McKayla may be my favorite. She is really into Beau, and she tries to get on his good side by helping him n P.E., which could end up being emasculating but it totally works. The bro code was also mentioned, which I found hilarious.

There has been a little talk about how this is just the same story over again, and I agree. This is the same story, but I will say that the ending is quite different. It ends very definitely and it doesn't leave you questioning, "What happens next?" Which is nice considering we're probably not going to see three more books from Beau's perspective, and it added a nice little twist. But overall, it feels a bit like a workshop project than a whole new story.

I will say this: this book made me really happy. While it may not be Midnight Sun, I was happy to see another book based in the Twilight universe. It made me crave Twilight, which led me to reading a lot of fanfiction over the weekend. If you liked Twilight, you will like this book, and I love Twilight. That means I'm giving it four green apples out of five.

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