My Favorite Epic Reads Infographics - List!

Epic Reads

Hello, everyone! I'm back, and I'm here to list off some of my favorite Epic Reads infographics. Just in case you didn't know, Epic Reads is a YA community/blog created by Harper Collins, the publishing company that gave us series like Pretty Little Liars and Divergent. I will also say that I'm not sponsored by Epic Reads. I just find them awesome, and I wish to spread the awesomeness around. Infographics are exactly what they sound like. They're graphics/pictures that provide information in a fun and colorful way. Epic Reads has a pretty good collection of infographics. These just happen to be my top five. So without further ado, let's get onto the list!

The first infographic is titled "6 Degrees of YA." Basically, it sets out to connect movies that were based on YA books. I actually haven't seen some of these, but I am impressed with the amount of connections Epic Reads has made. You can find the full version right here.

6 Degrees of YA Movies: Presented by Epic Reads!

Up next is "The Periodic Table of Epic Reads," and let me just say it is gorgeous. It categorizes YA series into groups like genre, multiple POVs, award winning, and so on. It's just so clever. I wanted to print it out and hang it on my wall, but I had to settle for having it as my computer wallpaper. But if you would like to print out its loveliness, check the full version out here.

The Periodic Table of Epic Reads

The next one on my list is a bit of a controversial one for me, mainly because I don't tend to stray towards historical YA. However, this Epic Reads infographic is "The Age of YA." This infographic categorizes YA books, you guessed it, by the era that they are set it. You can find anything from the Bronze Age to the present. It makes me want to give Historical YA a shot, and if you want to see all the books that are listed, you can find them here.

Now, if you're a fan of the blog, you will know that I love a good retelling. Whether it be re-imagined fairy tales, modern mythology, or a spin on a classic, retellings may be my favorite genre of YA. So you can imagine my awe with the "YA Retellings" infographic. It has also made it to my desktop, and if you would like to download it, you can find it here.

YA Retellings - An epic chart from Epic Reads

I have saved the best for last. At least, the next infographic is what I would consider the best. It's "365 Days of YA." It adeptly titled as it contains a title for every day of the year as well as a series for every week and a book for every month and  a book for every season. It's a great infographic if you're looking for something to read and absolutely terrible for your Good Reads "To Be Read" shelf. If you're willing to take the dive, you can check out the full infographic here.

Well, that's it for this post! Comment down below with some of you're favorite infographics. Subscribe to the blog by adding your email to the Subscribe Box down below or off to the right. Add me to your circles by clicking the Google+ button off to the right. Follow me on twitter @KK_Donna_Blog for ridiculousness about my life and up to date information about the blog. Follow the tumblr dedicated to the blog which you can find at this link. Read on, lovelies! I'll see y'all next post!


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