eReaders vs Traditional Books - Which Is Better? (List!)

Hello, everyone! I'm back, and I'm here to ask the age-old question: Is an eReader or a "real" book better to read? Well, let's list off the pros and cons of each and see if we can find a answer for this question. My future purchases may depend on the answer. Let's get onto the list, shall we?

eReader/Digital Books: Pros

An entire library in the palm on your hand
Adaptable in light (depending on device)
Options to change font style/sizes
Same book on multiple devices
Buy and own books instantly
Price for books (sometimes free)

Traditional Books: Pros

Old book smell
Libraries/bookstores (and their awesomeness)
Book covers
Book shelves
Class notes/Page numbers
Turning pages (the feeling)
More likely to retain information

Alright, so we've got two substantial lists going on. To me it seems that the eReader is killing it in efficiency while traditional books are more aesthetically pleasing. This makes sense if you think about it. eReaders were created in order to improve books. It makes sense that improvements would be made towards making books easier to read and more accessible. While some of the pros for traditional books are inherent to books, publishers are making books more aesthetically pleasing so that readers will want to buy "real" books, whether it be to spruce up a bookshelf or to show off a beautiful cover to a friend. Now let's go over the cons of each.

eReader/Digital Books: Cons

Not good with water
Batteries/Charging is necessary
Any picture looks a bit weird
Cost of the eReader
Difficult to share
Notes can be a problem

Traditional Books: Cons

Also not good with water
Very heavy (especially when moving)
No free books
Cannot read in the dark
Multiple books are expensive
Less readily available

Okay, so now we have the cons for each. These seem to be a bit more diverse, and the problems tend to wreck havoc with certain people. For example, I'm moving around a lot, and weight is definitely a factor. However, as a student, I like to write in the margins as well as highlight and underline interesting passages (I know, blasphemous!).

As you can see, I have my own personal tastes when it comes to my book choice and how I read it. I've read arguments that defend both choices, vehemently, but I can't say if one version is better than the other. I love my bookshelf and all its glory, but I also love how I can pull my Kindle out of my purse in between classes and pick up were I left off in some magical world. What I can say is that when they figure out a reading situation that is impervious to water, that's going to be the best possible way to read. Don't judge me. I just really like to read in the tub.

That's it for this post! Comment down below with you're favorite way to read (eReader, traditional, bathtime, in class). Subscribe to the blog by add your email address to the comment box down below or off to the right. Add me to your circles by clicking the Google+ Button off to the right. Follow me on twitter @KK_Donna_Blog for up to date information on the blog and ridiculousness about my life. Follow the tumblr dedicated to the blog, which you can find at this link. Read on, lovelies! I'll see y'all next post!


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