Fairest by Marissa Meyer: Book Review!

Hello, everyone! I'm back and I'm here to review Fairest by Marissa Meyer. This is a prequel to the Lunar Chronicles from Queen Levana's point of view. It begins with her as a sixteen year old princess looking for love, and then everything goes to crap. But to be fair, we all knew that was going to happen. But enough about that, let's get onto the review!

So, let's talk about Levana. After all, she is the main character of this story. I know many of you wouldn't have guessed this, but the truth is Levana is a bit crazy. It's true. She's stuck in the same mindset she had when she was sixteen, which is "I will be the best queen," and "this guy loves me." But part of me thinks that's not completely her fault. I mean, she lives in world where everyone is deceitful. She is constantly bombarded with images and illusions that are not real. It's hard to trust anyone when everyone you look at is a potential lie. It makes it that much harder for her to make a connection with anyone, and so she forces a connection with someone who is less than willing. Still, she's a bit crazy - to the point where she hurts even the people she loves. She also has a thing about children. Instead of seeing them as people, she saw Winter and Selene as obstacles, which made what she did easy to do.

Even with all of that, there was still someone worse to run Luna. I thought Levana was terrible. It turns out, her sister was even worse. Part of me couldn't believe Channary could be worse than her sister, but she really hits it out of the park. She really didn't care about her kingdom, which is something that bothered Levana to no end. I'm not even sure she cared about her child. She was a shady character, but gave good insight as to why Levana is how she is.

I like how this book really introduces the reader into life on Luna. We got to see a glimpse of it in Scarlet, but it was more of a weirdly skewed nightmare than a real survey of the area. There wasn't an in-depth look of the outer regions, which tells us how the royalty viewed that part of their kingdom, but there is good look at the upper class life. They have their backstabbing aristocrats, servants with missing appendages, and royals more concerned with their hair than the economy (I'm looking at you, Channary). Everything and everyone looks so different than what we've been introduced to in the Lunar Chronicles series. I'm sure we'll see more of it in Winter.

Now there is an excerpt of Winter in the back of the novel, but I didn't actually read it. I wanted to wait until Winter was out, so that I could read the whole thing. I may crack in the middle of the summer and read it, but I will do my best to wait until then.

With everything said and done, I'm going to give this book four out of five mirrors. If you've enjoyed the Lunar Chronicles and you want to get a deeper insight into crazy before Winter comes out, I totally recommend this book.

That's all for this post! Comment down below on some prequels of series you've enjoyed. Subscribe to the blog by adding your email to the Subscribe Box down below. Add me to your circles by clicking the Google+ button off to the right. Follow me on twitter @KK_Donna_Blog for ridiculousness about my life and up to date information about the blog. Follow the tumblr dedicated to the blog, which you can find at this link. Read on, lovelies! I'll see y'all next post!


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