City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare: Book Review! (Spoilers Marked)

Hello, everyone! I'm back with another book review. This review is of the newly-ish released book City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare. While I haven't been to any fabulous release parties or have been sitting in front of a Books-a-Million at midnight, I have tried to put this book off in fear of causalities of my favorite characters. But enough about that, let's get onto the review!

This is the last book of the six book Mortal Instruments series. Jace has the heavenly fire flowing through his veins, which other than being incredibly deadly, makes intimacy moments with Clary way more complicated. While Clary and the rest of the team are trying to help Jace with his fire problem, they are also attempting to find a way to stop Sebastian's plan to convert Shadowhunters and take over the world. So is everyone else, they're just doing a rather sorry job at doing so.

First off, I will say that there will be spoilers in this review. I'll be putting them closer to the bottom and stating when the spoilers begin and when they end. So if you haven't read the book yet, don't worry! You can still read what I felt about the book without worrying about those pesky spoilers.

Now I can actually talk about the book. Overall, the book was awesome! At first I was concerned that I lost interested in The Mortal Instruments series because it feels like I haven't read them in forever and have been reading some other really cool series. But that flew out the door once the action picked up. I felt like Alice falling into Wonderland again.

All of the characters are back and are the characters I know and love. One thing that I love about Cassandra Clare's writing is that she makes the secondary characters lovable and important. You care about what happens with Alec's relationship with Magnus. You want Simon to live and for Isabelle to face her personal demons. Clare makes these characters interesting and complicated, which is something I appreciate in this novel.

Clare also has the ability to complicate things to a degree in which the complexity of the novel is equal to some of the most fantastic epic novels. And by "fantastic" I mean the fantasy elements of the novel. It does make the novel a bit more of a difficult read, but that does not change the entertainment value of the novel, which is incredibly high. While there are these really scary and disturbing events taking place, there are humorous, sarcastic, and loving snippets that lighten the mood for a few short pages. It's a good way to break up the gruesome qualities of war.

One thing I did not appreciate about the novel was the many point of view changes. Usually, I'm okay with a couple within a story, but this novel seems to take it a bit overboard. Really, there was just one point of view that irritated me, which was Emma's. While I can't wait to read the series that is going to be dedicated to her and the California Institute, I felt like her contribution to this novel was bit forced. It felt more like a plug-in about an up coming novel rather than a carefully woven piece of the story.

This is a spoiler designated zone! Proceed with caution!

Now, Emma got a little better when she started climbing on buildings like a monkey or when she uses her special way of conversing with her friend Julian. It made her more of an individual, which helped, but within everything else going on, I kept trying to push her to the side to get back to the action.

Also, I may be in the minority here, but I am completely okay with the seven people that Cassandra Clare decided to kill off. There were some good guys along with a few bad guys, but there wasn't anyone I felt bad about biting the dust.

One of my favorite scenes in the novel has to be when the gang goes to Edom and are faced with their "true desires." It's supposedly what they all want, but their desires are not actually "true." My favorite has to be Alec's. His dialogue between Clary, Jace, and Magnus while in the "dream of desire" was hilarious. I could have read it ten times.

One last spoiler: the Clave are still a bunch of bigot idiots, which really boils my blood. I sure that will happen some more in the upcoming series.

Spoilers have died away! You are now safe from their infectious disease!

So with the awesome plot and characters as well as the annoying point of view changes, I'm giving this book four and a half Morgenstern swords out of five, which seems to be a pretty popular rating for me.

That's it for this review! Comment down below about your own experiences with irritating characters. Subscribe to the blog by adding your email to the Subscribe Box down below. Add me to your circles by clicking the Google+ button off to the right. For up to date information about the blog and ridiculousness about my life, follow me on twitter @KK_Donna_Blog. Follow the tumblr dedicated to the blog which you can find at this link. Read on, lovelies! I'll see y'all next post!


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