Updates: What's Been Happening!
Hello, everyone! I'm back, and I'm here to do a quick update! Things have been picking up again. I've been pulling weird shifts that have me up at odd hours, but I've been trying to pick up extra naps here and there. I've just been recommended a book that I really want to share with y'all, so be on the look out for a special post later this month. I'm still trying my best to keep up with Shadowhunters, despite its flaws. I have watched the latest episode and have taken notes, but it may be a hot minute before I can write a review because, that's right, I'll be working the entire weekend. On a more positive note, I did make some time to go see How to Be Single , which turned out to be a pretty good movie. I went with my roommate, and I have to say that its a good girlfriend movie. You know, the type of movie you bring all of your friends that happen to be female to. I might even see it again with my mama. We'll see. I'm starting my obs...