Destined for Doon by Carey Corp and Lorie Langdon: Book Review!
Hello, everyone! I'm back and I'm here to review Destined for Doon by Carey Corp and Lorie Langdon. This is the sequel to Doon and continues the story of the two protagonists Kenna and Veronica. This book focuses on Kenna as she struggles with her decision coming back to her world as opposed to staying in Doon. That all changes when Duncan shows up, asking for her help before all of Doon is destroyed by a mysterious plague that zombie-fies its victims. But enough about that, let's get onto the review! I'm still liking the format of the two different point of views. This time we get more of Kenna's point of view, which is different because she focuses on different aspects than Veronica. She's the more sassy of the two, and she loves to compare the drama of her life to the drama she performs on stage. I will admit that's it more fun if you know at least some of her references, but I will concede that many may not know all of the theatrical references. I...