
Showing posts from October, 2014

How to Make a Quiver for Your Katniss Costume: Cosplay Tutorial

Hello, everyone! I'm back, and I'm here to show you how I made my quiver. I was planning to use this technique for when I do my Katniss cosplay, but I haven't found the perfect fabric yet. Hopefully this tutorial will help you make your own quiver. I will say that I use this quiver in my everyday use, and it's really easy to do. I will also say that this is not an idea that I came up on my own. I did a little research and found this site . I pretty much followed everything step by step up until she added the extra fabric to the top part of her quiver. I opted out of that part of the tutorial. I'll go step by step and show what I did to achieve my own quiver. Here's a list of things that I used and what they cost:      2 yards of faux leather fabric - $7      One spool of all purpose thread - $5      One cardboard box - Free      Packing tape - $5      Box cutter - $4 As you can see, it was pretty ine...

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer: Re-Read Book Review #1 / Twilight Revisited in Facebook Mini Series?!

Hello, everyone! I’m back with a Re-Read Book Review! Not only is this the first of this series for the blog, but it is an extra special post. I’ve just got through rereading  Twilight  by Stephenie Meyer in honor of the new reboot series that is going to be popping up on Facebook. Because of this, I’m going to be talking about the book as well as what I think about this reboot idea.  But enough about that, let’s get onto the review! Rereading this book has been very interesting. It’s the first time that I’ve done it while I’ve been in college, and I’ll admit that it felt like going back in time for me. I was brought back to high school and obsessing over these characters. It also felt a little weird too. For a while now,  Twilight  has been the butt of many a joke, and part of me felt like I had to sneak around to read my book. To be fair, I got over that quite quickly. I did like reading Bella and Edward’s relationship again.  I know that peop...

Narration: How I'm (Sort of) Becoming a Writer #3

Hello, everyone! I'm back and I'm ready to tell you have I'm sort of becoming a writer. Today I'm going to focus on some of the things I've learned about narrative and how some recent peer review went. But enough about that. Let's get to the good stuff! Narration is pretty much how you tell your story. There are many different ways to get your point across. You can have many different points of view. Depending on what you decide on can change how readers view the story. We did an interesting exercise in class. We got to envision a particular scene in a story we wanted to tell that at least had three different characters. Each character had the chance to be the focal point when we tested each point of view. We started with first person, then third person, second person, and ended with one of the characters explaining the scene to someone who wasn't there. I was quite surprised with my findings. I tend to write my stories in first person because...

Merchandise Review: Hermione Wand Pen and Bookmark

Hello, everyone! I'm back with another merchandise review! I know, I know. I have been doing a lot of product reviews lately and not a lot of reading, and I have a good reason for it. One, I'm in college and they tend to tell me what to read for the majority of my time. "Well, why haven't you done a Book Review: School Edition?" you may ask. So far we've just been reading short stories, and I usually just do novels for those reviews. Two, fanfiction. That's all I'm going to say about it. Seriously. Anyway, today I'm reviewing something that I got while I was overseas. It's the the Hermione Wand Pen (and also bookmark, technically) that I got at Hamleys. It is part of the Noble Collection, which is also amazing and displayed at Hamleys. They seriously could have taken all of my money. But I'm not here to talk about that. Let's get to the review! I'm really enjoying this pen, which is an odd thing to say, but I had originally though...